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Welcome to HumansWrite

This is your new resource hub devoted to the power of words as a force for change in the world.

Learn how to best use your voice to support social justice issues and make an impact within your community.

Good trouble starts here

We designed this space to guide your skills development and help you explore resources to help you advocate for and influence social movements of all kinds.

Whether you seek templates or tips for powerful social justice communications, organizations that need skilled writers or volunteers, or great reads and speeches from thought leaders, we hope you’ll find what you’re looking for here. As the late, great activist and Congressman John Lewis said, “Speak up, speak out, get in the way. Get in good trouble, necessary trouble...”

Protester holding sign that says "I am tired of this shit"
Protester holding a sign that says "I'm with the resistance"

About the founders

ALL CAPS, the team behind HumansWrite, is connected through our commitment to the power of words as a driving force for change.

We believe that:​

writing boldly inspires thought, drives action, and shapes policy;

combating misinformation with words speaks power to truth;

elevating civil discourse is a better path than using words to divide and;

raising our collective voice helps us get closer to the promise of America.

Dive in and explore

We invite you to explore resources and inspiration to become stronger social justice communicators. And, we hope you’ll take a deeper dive to LEARN, WRITE, SPEAK, and ACT with confidence, skill, and energy as you support the issues you care most about.

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