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The HumansWrite Origin Story

You’re here because you’re curious about making a difference by using your voice; we’re here because we got curious about that, too.

Soon after the nationwide protests began about George Floyd’s murder in May 2020, three of us (aka ALL CAPS) sought ways to contribute to moving the social justice conversation forward. There’s power in numbers! Three is the magic number!

We each had a personal connection to activism and community building, as individuals who care about our neighbors and communities, and as professionals working with organizations who also care about people beyond selling them more stuff. We are skilled in equipping folks with tools that empower them to be and do their very best work. To use their words. To use their words and voices.

In those early days, we realized that no singular/central resource repository existed to help people develop and make the most of communications skills to support social justice movements like Black Lives Matter and organizations like The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, the Human Rights Campaign, and countless others.

Social justice movements are started by small groups of concerned folks, in small towns and large cities across the country. But small doesn’t mean silent or invisible. The best way to spread the word? Through the power of effective and collective communication.

Whether on social media, videos, podcasts, speeches and presentations, blogging, digital and print media and more, the breadth and depth of channels for expressing yourself and sharing what matters has never been greater. When we found no single online resource for those who wanted to learn how to use their words and voices to foster change, we decided to create that resource. The result is HumansWrite.

We started HumansWrite because we have hope. And we know that when enough people raise their voices in unison, that hope can change the world. We’d love for you to join us on this journey, adding your energy, voice, and words to move mountains.


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